April 8, 2009

BUSY past 4 days

Ok, so, here is a quick recap of what has been going on the past 4/5 days.......

Mom and I went to her boss's house in Millville to go see baby kittens. My cat's sister had a litter of kittens. She is almost 1 year old (same with Google) and the father of the kittens just happens to be her brother as well. Can you say insest?? (Hahah Tonya...Maybe another Bigfoot in this litter. LOL) But, so we went to see Google's neices and nephews. One of the 4 was a Calico cat, so automatically one female. There was a orange-ish one who looked ALOT like Google. Another troublemaker!!! lol The other two were that grayish color.

There are the babies. They had been born during Sunday. It's not the best picture we got...

This one is REALLY blurry. But, it's Google's niece/nephew....The one that's gonna be the trouble maker. LOL

Just before we left, Momma cat came back to feed her babies. At that point, you heard the poor little ones meowing like crazy. It was so sweet tho!!

It rained...And it rained HARD. Shannon and I were at my grandmom's when the worst of the rain hit.

You can't really see how bad the rain was, but it was BAD.

Robotics was pretty much all that happened. lol

Wednesday (today):
Today I stayed after school to participate in this Knitting/Croqueting club thing. Today was my first day going. The club has been intact for a few weeks now.

That was my attempt to croquet a flower. Ignore the strings in the back please lol I haven't cut them off yet. But yea, there is my flower. Kinda crappy. lol

Oh, and here is REALLY big news that I found out today: I am 2nd in the class for pre-calc and I have a 100.3 :) Christian is ahead of me with a 103, and Eric is behind me with a 99.8 or something like that. BUT. I have a 100.3. And that was for the 3rd marking period. :) I am sooooo happy! :)

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Congrats on pre calc, that is awesome! And your flower looks great!

Robotics things

Team 316