December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Well, I hope that everybody had a fun Christmas!!

Christmas here at my dad's was pretty quiet. No tree since we're going up to my grandmom's house in San Francisco area on Saturday. So, also, no presents to open. Oh well. lol
My dad and I made breakfast this morning once my sweatpants got out of the dryer. He made pancakes while I made the bacon. Shannon played the xBox while we made breakfast, and once we were all done eating, I started playing the xBox. At around lunch time we all ate mac 'n cheese from last night, and played more video games. lol I started working on my baby cousin's blanket again, put it down for one second, and then passed out. lol I was asleep for 2 and a half hours, and during that time my dad and sister played a board game called Stone Age. After I woke up, my dad showered, and then so did I. We went out for dinner at this Italian restaurant, and then went and saw Tale of Desperaux. omg, it was soooo cute! Emma Roberts, the girl who plays Hermione in Harry Potter, was the voice of the princess in the movie. All 3 of us enjoyed it alot.
Well, that's all I have to say for today. I might post something tomorrow. I know that once I get home from my grandmom's on Sunday I will have LOTS to post. And also pictures. =] Hopefully I'll get my new camera. I really hope so. lol

Merry Christmas everybody!!!!

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